Translations Page
The Translations page lets you create new system dictionaries, and edit language in existing ones. The system dictionary is the list of most words and phrases that appear in CORE’s interface. Using this feature, you can rename any word as it appears throughout the system.
Changing items in this library only affects words that are part of the CORE platform interface. Changing these words will have no effect on user-generated content, such as file names or comments.
Note: All user guides and Help Documentation found in CORE will continue to refer to default wording in the system.
Translation Keys Panel
This is the full list of words that appear in the CORE interface.
- Language Filter - A dropdown containing the language libraries associated with your system. English “en” is the default language provided.
- Search Filter - A search bar or search field, type in what you’re looking for to narrow down the library list.
- Library List - The list of words and phrases that can be edited in the CORE User Interface.
Results - Translation Info
This is where you change a word or phase once it’s selected in the Translation Keys Panel.
- Information - This is the coded value of the word or phrase in the system’s backend. This is not editable.
- Results - Apply your edited word or phrase to this field.
- Default value - This was the original word or phrase prior to edits.
Change a Word or Phrase in the User Interface
When you have selected a word from the dictionary, you can change how it is shown. Enter the new translation, then click Save.
To modify a word or phrase,
- Select it in the Translations Keys Panel.
- Enter your desired change in Translation Info.
- Save.
To search for a word,
- Type it in the Search Filter box in the Translations Keys Panel.
- Hit Enter.
- If the word is anywhere in the Library List, the results will narrow down.