Package Inbox
The Package Inbox is where you can view all Packages that have been shared with you or that you have created.
Filtering options are an easy way to narrow down the list of Packages in your Inbox to a desired subset.
Status Filters
- Inbox: Filter your Inbox to only non-Archived Packages you have received
- Sent: Filter your inbox to Packages you have sent to yourself or other users
- Unread:Filter your inbox to only Packages you haven't viewed yet
- Favorites: Filter your inbox to only Packages you've Favorited
- Archived: Filter your inbox to only Packages you've Archived
- Deleted: Filter your inbox to only Packages you've Deleted
- All: Show all Packages, regardless of their status
Package Type Filter
Select a Package Type to filter your Inbox to only Packages of the selected type.
- All Packages: Displays packages of any type: standard, dailies, approval, download, & review.
- Feedback: (Standard) Filters by Standard type packages. Clicking on a Feedback (Standard) package will display its contents, and allow you to view and/or download them with the comment or download panel enabled. Users are aware of other users on this share. .
- Dailies: Filters by Screener type packages. A Screener package launches the recipient directly into the player with the first file open. Only the sender can see who is included in the share. This Package Type streamlines the experience for users.
- Approval: Filters by Approval type packages. An Approval package type opens to a view of all files, with the approval panel enabled. Everyone on the share is visible, but each person can only see their own approvals or if you are the sender or an approvals manager you can see all Approvals.
- Download: Filters by Download type packages. A Download package generates a simple, web-based download page. It's the easiest way to share files when you know recipients only need to download the files, rather than take action in Core.
- Sync Review: Filters by Sync Review type packages. A Sync Review package type enables a real-time, hosted review. Recipients cannot see or access the files except when guided by the host (sender)
Production Filter
With the All Productions filter, which is a dropdown menu above the other Status Filters, you can sort your Package Inbox by the Productions for which you’ve been sent a package.
Note: If you’re having trouble finding a package, check to make sure your Production filter is switched back to All Productions.
Use the Search box to search for your Packages. Type in keywords into the search box and packages containing those keywords in the package name will appear on the list. In example below, we searched for the keyword ‘ILM’ in the Search Box and a package containing that keyword in the package name appeared on the list. Search Box will also search content within your packages by a specific filename.
Add More Filters
Click this to further filter your Packages by Sender and After or Before the Package’s creation date.
Select a filtering method, then set the values you'd like to filter by. Filters can be used in combination with each other.
Click the to remove a Filter. Click the Clear Filters button to remove all Filters.
The main area of the Package Inbox shows you all the Packages you have sent or received which match your current filter criteria. Click on a Package Name to view it.
Sort Options
By default, your Packages will be listed in the order you've received them. Select a different Sort Option to change the method by which your Packages are sorted. When you mouse over an option, you can select the Sort Order for that option by clicking on the arrow. Clicking this toggles between ascending and descending order for the selected Sort Option.
View As:
Admins have an additional feature located above Sort Options called View As: This pull down menu reveals users you have access to so you can view their Package Inbox. As an Admin, you can emulate the person’s Inbox. You can perform Admin functions and provide additional support to the user as well as share packages from their Inbox.
Selecting Multiple Packages
Click the check box to the left of a Package name to select it. Once you've selected one or more Packages, a new menu of icons will appear and you can choose an action to apply to the chosen packages. NOTE: This option is only available to Admins currently.
- Share: Allows sharing of package from your inbox (this option is currently only available to Admins).
- Archive: Set the selected Packages to be moved to the Archived folder. Once Archived, Packages will no longer show up in your Inbox.
- Delete: Set the selected Packages to be moved to the Deleted folder.
- Merge: Combine the contents of selected Packages into a single new Package.
- View: Flag package as Viewed.
Click the Star icon on a Package to set it as Favorite. Once you've set a package as Favorite, it will show up when you select the Favorites filter. Click the Star icon a second time to un-Favorite it.
If you have Permission to download the contents of the Package, you can click here to do so. For more information, navigate to the section on Downloading.
Click the More button to view additional options that are available for the package.
- Activate: Activating a package means you are selecting it in order to interact with it, either to share it as it is or to add or remove files from it. When a package is activated, a green dot appears next to the package title. The package also becomes the active package in the Active Packages section.

- Archive: Archive package. Once Archived, Packages will no longer show up in your Inbox.
- Duplicate: Make a duplicate of the package that can then be sent as is or edited.
- Delete: Delete Package places the package in the Deleted filter of your inbox.
Package Inbox Status Indicators
You can check the status of your package in your inbox by looking at the following Package Inbox Status Indicators:
- New/Unread: Text Color: Black | Style: Bold | Background White
- Read: Text Color: Light Black | Style: Normal | Background: Light Gray
- Packages that can't be opened or Expired: Text Color: Light Black | Style: Normal | Background: Dark Gray
- Expired: Red Expired label appears to the right of title and file numbers
- Future: Green text with start date and start time appears to the right of title and file numbers
Troubleshooting Packages
My Package Won’t Open in Package Viewer
If your package opens, but only in the Player, go to Troubleshooting in Asset & Package Viewer . If your package won’t open when you click on it from your Inbox, then check for the following:
- Is it expired?
- Reach out to the sender of the package if you need more viewing time.
- Have you reached the maximum views allowed?
- Reach out to the sender of the package if you need more views.
- Does the package show (0) files at the end of the package name?
- All files have been removed from the package, reach out to the sender to have them re-share a new package. The package may appear to flash to open but immediately will close and is not viewable.